We are hiring!!!

We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

The word “Lodestar” is defined as “a star that leads or guides” and “one who serves as an inspiration, model, or guide.”  Lodestar Guidance is a leadership development tool, based on forty-eight character principles that will help you inspire, lead, and guide your organization, resulting in greater productivity.  According to Gallup, employees who are engaged are 27% more likely to report “excellent” performance.  The monthly assemblies and small groups that are part of the Lodestar Guidance curriculum help your workforce, students, family, or church members feel like they are a part of your organization and that their contribution is vital to its success.

For those of you who have been subscribers, we’d love to hear testimonials from you and your team about how Lodestar Guidance has helped to transform your culture.  We can all agree that our culture is in desperate need of renewal.  That’s the bad news.  The good news is that there are tools and resources to reverse this trend.  Our thanks to our subscribers for partnering with us in this great purpose and mission.

If you are not a subscriber and want to find out more, visit www.lodestarguidance.com, email us at 48@lodestarguidance.com, or call our office at (540) 236-5982.  Any current subscriber that gives us a successful referral will receive a ten percent discount on your next order.

Lodestar Guidance is now available in a plan designed for family devotions and other groups that meet weekly.  You will receive one of each of the 48 principles and access to the video content for each principle.  The cost is $250 per year or $70 per quarter.  Please contact us to find out more.

Looking ahead, we are in the planning and development stages of making the material app based.  We believe that this will be a most beneficial tool to help you maximize the impact of the principles.

Thank you for being a part of the Lodestar Guidance team and partnering with us in cultural transformation through character development.

God bless,
Steve Wingfield
President and CEO