We are hiring!!!

We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.



Focus: Concentrated attention and energy. Focused people are intentional, centered, and consistent. They concentrate on their targets and goals and maintain appropriate engagement to accomplish their tasks. Concentrating on the goal or task + avoiding distractions =...


A person without integrity may occasionally appear to have character and sincerity, depending on the circumstance. Their life has pockets of deceit, dishonor, and infidelity. Their words and actions do not often match. Enemies of Integrity MORAL WEAKNESS – The...


Integrity: Uncompromising, consistent commitment to what is right Commitment to what is right + being honest with yourself and others = integrity A person with integrity is consistently characterized by honesty, faithfulness, and virtue, regardless of the...


Unmotivated people rely on external stimuli to inspire action, and they may appear lazy and lethargic without it. People lacking motivation may be easily dissuaded from action, and interaction with them may be discouraging and disheartening. Unmotivated people rarely...


Motivation: The inner power pushing one toward taking action, driven by desire, passion, and ambition. Intrinsic drive for taking action + optimistic and ambitious approach for reaching goals = motivation Motivated people are inspired intrinsically to work and...