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Boldness: Confidence and courage to do what is right regardless of the circumstances or others’ opinions. Courage and determination to do the right thing + confidence to take risks and be proactive = boldness In a culture that emphasizes political correctness, “nice...
Compassion II

Compassion II

Research shows that people who view the world with compassion are generally happier.  People who practice compassion produce 23 percent less cortisol, the “stress hormone,” and 100 percent more DHEA, the hormone that counteracts the aging process.  Compassionate...


Compassion: Investing in the healing of others with the willingness to bear their pain. Awareness of others’ situations and struggles + using your time and resources to help those in need = compassion Being compassionate requires moving your focus away from yourself...


Billy Graham: How to be thankful in all things Are you thankful no matter what? Perhaps you have lost your job, recently, as the economy has continued to struggle. Or, you may have lost your health or a loved one. Such circumstances can be tremendously difficult. But...


Gratefulness affects our lives from the inside out.  It shifts our focus from the things we lack to the abundance of things we have been blessed to receive.  Psychologists document many benefits of gratefulness, including better relationships, more resilience, less...