We are hiring!!!

We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.



When you think of determination, perseverance, or grit, does a mental picture instantly come to mind?  For me, my thoughts go directly to the Battle of Iwo Jima and the iconic photograph of the five American Marines and a Navy corpsman raising our flag...
United We Stand

United We Stand

It is amazing how quickly tides can turn in our world.  A short time ago, we were celebrating the resiliency and determination of those standing on the frontline, battling the war waged on us by COVID-19.  Unfortunately, like shifting sands, these...


Normalcy is something I think most people are longing for.  The last few months have been anything but normal.  And for some, life as they knew it may never be the same.  For me, normalcy means going about my daily tasks with a sense of purpose and...
Plans for the future

Plans for the future

At the risk of overuse, please allow me to echo the phrase, “these are unprecedented times.”  For those of you who have lost friends and loved ones due to the novel coronavirus, we mourn with you in your season of loss and grief.  For any of you who have been...
Wisdom, essential for every day

Wisdom, essential for every day

Wisdom is a Lodestar Guidance principle that is essential in times like these.  Each day, we are bombarded with news that stirs emotions and causes anxiety.  It’s hard to discern what is truth and what is not.  It’s also difficult to know how to...