We are hiring!!!

We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

A star that guides…

A star that guides…

The word “Lodestar” is defined as “a star that leads or guides” and “one who serves as an inspiration, model, or guide.”  Lodestar Guidance is a leadership development tool, based on forty-eight character principles that will help you inspire, lead, and guide...
Welcome to the new year!

Welcome to the new year!

The year 2020!  It has a nice ring to it, right?  Perfect vision is described as 20/20.  When one looks back to where he has been and gleans information to help him for the future, it’s called 20/20 hindsight.  Even the numbers themselves...
The dead weight of unforgiveness

The dead weight of unforgiveness

The Christmas season is upon us, and most of us have already spent a great deal of time thinking about the gifts we will be giving to our loved ones. Here is a novel idea for this Christmas: give the gift of forgiveness. It’s cost effective, lasts a...
Growth is rarely achieved on the mountaintops

Growth is rarely achieved on the mountaintops

The fall weather has been a nice relief after a very warm summer and sets the tone perfectly for the upcoming Thanksgiving festivities. Nearly four centuries ago, a bedraggled group of pilgrims were finally celebrating a bountiful harvest following 12 long months...
Honesty affects our lives in multiple ways

Honesty affects our lives in multiple ways

Folks, this is a biggie. If I would ask for a show of hands for everyone that proclaims to be honest, every hand would shoot up, right? I know I would say that I am very honest in all of my dealings. Now, if I ask for a show of hands of those that at times give false...