If we lack compassion, we are apathetic, merciless, and unresponsive to the misfortunes of others, and we do not see a reason to help.

Research shows that people who view the world with compassion are generally happier.  People who practice compassion produce 23% less cortisol, the “stress hormone,” and, 100% more DHEA, a hormone that counteracts the aging process.

Enemies of compassion:

  • Comparison\judgmental attitudes – Blame, insults, and labels alienate others.  We are tempted to judge people as right or wrong, but comparison is not a constructive tool.
  • Delay – We feel sympathy for a person who is struggling, and we tell ourselves that we will do something as soon as we have time. Too often our intentions never become reality.
  • Denial of personal responsibility – The failure to hold oneself accountable for our actions or inactions.

Leading with compassion is paramount to creating relationships and strong bonds that form a cohesive team.  Businesses that promote and practice compassionate behavior see absenteeism drop and cooperation flourish.