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Flexibility: Willingness to change or compromise as a situation requires.

People who are flexible are cooperative and willing to compromise.  They are resilient, make adjustments, and understand the concept of “give and take.”  To be flexible, we must show composure.  We must remain calm in the face of difficulties and change in order to maintain self-control and respond correctly.  Composure helps us remain flexible regardless of the circumstances.

Also, to be a flexible leader, a “can do” attitude is essential.  Flexibility requires a sense of optimism and resourcefulness and a willingness to pursue the resources needed to be successful; inflexible people are defeated before they begin because they view problems as unsolvable.

Finally, someone who leads and directs with flexibility is responsive.  This person recognizes the need for and direction of change before it is mandatory, and this is a key quality of a flexible person.  Their foresight allows them to respond proactively, which helps prevent changes from becoming significant burdens.

Are you a flexible leader?

Image source: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/planning-plan-opportunity-option-4897792/