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We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

Our leadership as parents influences our children’s success in life. If we think of children’s lives as a football field, the strength of our leadership determines the position our children have on the field when it is time for them to make their own way. A family with strong leadership can put their children on the 30-yard line, but children from a family lacking leadership may struggle from the one-yard line.

In a day that our children are bombarded with bad influences, the need to provide a solid foundation of good character training is essential. Modeling good character and providing strong leadership are some of the best things we can do for our children. Using Lodestar as we gather around the dinner table to talk about the character principles will instill the importance of character in our children. But it will also help us realize our responsibility as parents to model good character. Remember, “More is caught than taught.” -Paul Weaver