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We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

Motivated people are usually passionate people. Motivation is easy if we are driven to achieve our goals. But can we be motivated to do things if we are not passionate about them? Yes, if we look at the bigger picture.

We all know that not everything in life is pleasant and fulfilling. When I knew that I needed to have surgery, I was dreading it. But I saw the bigger picture, and I was excited to be able to do the things I love to do after the recovery. Looking forward to the results of the surgery motivated me to get it done.

When we are in a position of leadership, at work or at home with our children, the people we lead will know if we are motivated, and we have the power to motivate them. When people lack motivation for a mundane or unpleasant task, help them see the bigger picture. Guide them to keep their eyes on the results, and offer a reward for completing tasks with passion and fervor. Complete the unpleasant task first, and look forward to the fun afterward. Remember: Pay Now, Play Later. –Paul Weaver