We are hiring!!!

We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

Normalcy is something I think most people are longing for.  The last few months have been anything but normal.  And for some, life as they knew it may never be the same.  For me, normalcy means going about my daily tasks with a sense of purpose and direction, free from fear.  While I acknowledge the risks, I prefer to continue moving proactively toward my goals of impacting culture through character change.  Lodestar Guidance was designed to change culture through teaching principles of character.  This opportunity will continue to be there even after this crisis passes.

Now is a great time to take an assessment of your personal goals and ambitions.  Are you seeking to make a difference in the lives of those with whom you connect?  If the answer is yes, consider the concepts presented in the Lodestar Guidance curriculum as a perfect complement to help you achieve these goals.

For those of you who have children at home due to schools being shut down (or perhaps you are a homeschooling parent), we believe that the Lodestar Guidance program can greatly assist you.  Our Special Family Plan, which provides one principle per week for a year (48 principles) is only $250.  We are also pleased to offer a Special Introductory Plan, which includes a three-month subscription for $75. (If you enjoy the program and want to sign up for the whole year, we will prorate it at the yearly subscription price.)  This package provides twelve principles plus access to the video illustrations.  Please contact our office today for more information.

The Lodestar Guidance principle of focus is defined as having “concentrated attention and energy.”  Focus can be difficult to maintain in times such as these, but I believe it is critical to continue making gains in your personal, family, and professional lives.  

We stand with you and believe that we will emerge stronger and better positioned to impact our world like never before. 


Steve Wingfield