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Disorderly people may be careless about their surroundings and methods.  Their environment may be untidy and disorganized, and their routines may be inefficient and ineffective, leading to poor results.

When you are disorganized, circumstances may overwhelm you as you are not properly prepared and feel caught off guard.

Enemies of Orderliness:

  • Too much – When you consciously or accidentally put more on your plate than you can handle.  This leads to having enough of everything except for time.
  • Perfectionism – Constantly only accepting “perfect,” can stall progress.  Everything is worth excellence; few things are worth perfection.
  • Habits – It is never too late to intentionally become more organized.  Try subtle new things to become more organized and improve your orderliness.

Orderliness may not be at the top of the list of requirements for leadership; however, orderliness is the difference between effectiveness and ineffectiveness in our time and efforts.