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Orderliness: Organizing and caring for possessions and responsibility to achieve greater efficiency

Maintaining organized areas and schedules + keeping track of responsibilities and deadlines = orderliness

Orderly people design methods and systems to make life easier, less complicated, and more organized. They seek patterns and templates that will increase the peacefulness and effectiveness of their areas and routines.

Orderliness requires:

  • Optimistic Goals: Most organized people are not keeping everything in order for their own amusement. They organize their lives to create comfortable and manageable environments for reaching goals. Orderly people are optimistic about achieving great results and can easily let go of “stuff” or time commitments that are not connected to their goals.
  • Conscientious Self-Discipline: Orderly people keep track of their commitments. They do not waste time worrying about them, but they organize tasks so that they know when the task needs to be completed.
  • Capturing, Calendaring, Containing: Organized people use lists to capture events, ideas, and requests from others. Organized people use calendars for reoccurring events, projects with deadlines, or timed activities. Organized people have appropriate “containers” (notebooks, file cabinets, computer folders) to make organizing easy and sustainable.

Order is the sanity of the mind, the health of the body, the peace of the city, the security of the state. Like beams in a house or bones to a body, so is order to all things.”   Robert Southey