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We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

Sarasota Lodestar Guidance Breakfasts (Individuals)




The time is now to take control of your future and develop the characteristics and traits essential for positive growth and success.  The Lodestar Guidance leadership training curriculum was created to be an easy to follow, impactful program that makes good employees great and instills the values that will take your leadership to the next level.

Experience Lodestar Guidance by attending the Sarasota Lodestar Guidance Breakfasts on February 2, 9, 16, and 23, 2022, at 8:30 a.m.  The price includes:

  • All four meetings
  • Breakfast at every meeting
  • Materials for every meeting

Breakfasts will be held at Sarasota Community Church located at 4041 Bahia Vista, Sarasota, FL. We invest our time and resources in many things; it is about time we invest in ourselves and those around us – an investment that will yield a remarkable return!