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Sincerity: Eagerly and transparently doing what is right without ulterior motives.

Courageously choosing and acting on what is right + genuine self-expression = sincerity

Being sincere increases joy and opportunity in our lives.  Sincere people are authentic and self-confident because they do not have hidden agendas.  Sincerity encourages others to invest in us and support our goals.  Sincerity helps us make morally upright decisions that enable us to avoid drama and conflict.

Sincerity requires courage (being brave enough to be vulnerable and express our real feelings), realism (believing in something incorrect does not increase success of leadership), and respect (sincerity comes from deep respect for yourself, others, and the truth).

“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought

or measured with money and that thing is sincerity and integrity.”    

-Donald A. Adams, President of Rotary International, August 1926

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-business-fashion-young-3060784/