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The best decision makers have a strategy and a procedure to follow. They ask great questions in order to get the right answers. When we find ourselves needing to make an important decision, we should make a list of steps that will allow us to identify priorities, assess the situation, take adequate time to process possible outcomes, and discern the best choice.

1. Identify the question clearly.

2. Determine whether or not the decision is a top priority.

3. Give yourself time to think about and weigh the options, but do not procrastinate.

4. Consider the outcomes and costs, best-case and worst-case scenario.

5. Think short term, then long term.

6. Determine whose input should be included in the decision-making process.

7. Seek input from an experienced person.

Make a list like the one above. Talk about your decision with trusted individuals, pray about it, and then do a gut check. Following a strategy will help you make a good decision and will increase your confidence for making decisions in the future. -Paul Weaver