We are hiring!!!

We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

It is amazing how quickly tides can turn in our world.  A short time ago, we were celebrating the resiliency and determination of those standing on the frontline, battling the war waged on us by COVID-19.  Unfortunately, like shifting sands, these celebrations of triumph in the human spirit have been hijacked by outrage, racism, and hatred.  As I watch the videos and images flooding the news, these thoughts race through my mind, “Where have we gone so wrong, and why have we never fully defeated racism in our land?” 

When I see young children playing together on playgrounds, it is apparent they do not care about the differences between them.  They simply see the other as someone to play with and to enjoy life with.  Do you realize that no child is born with an innate sense of intolerance toward another person?  This is a learned, harmful behavior.  We MUST teach our children to live a life of acceptance and understanding.  However, sometimes that requires guiding parents and other adults to change their minds and hearts and to begin living and leading a life of uncompromised character.  

The Lodestar Guidance program offers 48 principles that work together in unison to foster a learning experience that equips those who go through the program to live and lead with abundant purpose and efficiency.  In days like these, it would benefit our world to live with a little more compassion, empathy, kindness, passion, and respect. 

United we stand, but divided we fall.  We believe this is a defining moment in the history of, not only our country, but also our world.  


Steve Wingfield