We are hiring!!!

We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

The year 2020!  It has a nice ring to it, right?  Perfect vision is described as 20/20.  When one looks back to where he has been and gleans information to help him for the future, it’s called 20/20 hindsight.  Even the numbers themselves demonstrate symmetry and simplicity.  All that being said, we are anticipating great things here at Lodestar Guidance in the year 2020!

Much of this past year was spent transferring the operations of Lodestar Guidance to Harrisonburg, Virginia.  Paul Weaver generously gifted the program to Wingfield Ministries to ensure that it would continue to thrive as a Scripture-based leadership development tool.  We remain committed to offering the best customer service to our current and future subscribers.

Recently, the Lodestar Guidance leadership team attended a workshop led by Mr. Rick Newton of the Newton Institute.  Rick specializes in helping organizations to discover their unique DNA and God-given purpose, or “Great Purpose.”  Lodestar Guidance’s Great Purpose is to “develop character in order to transform people and impact culture.”  We believe that the character principles taught in the Lodestar Guidance curriculum will do just that.  We will be spending much of this year developing strategic partnerships that will position Lodestar to be a significant character development tool in the workplace, church, and home. 

In addition to the monthly subscription packages that we offer, we are introducing the Lodestar Guidance Family Plan Special.  This is designed for family devotions and small groups by focusing on one principle per week.  We believe that families and small groups will grow significantly in their understanding of character and how it impacts everyday life.  Please contact Tim McAvoy at (540) 236-5982 or visit www.lodestarguidance.com for information on how you can subscribe!

In his book, Business with a Higher Purpose, the founder of Lodestar Guidance, Paul Weaver, said, “Our actions will always produce results, and the results will be later and greater than we expect.”  There is no shortcut for doing the right thing the right way.  We continue to hear many positive reports of how Lodestar Guidance is making a difference.  Thank you for partnering with us to fulfill our Great Purpose and to see our culture impacted through the character principles of Lodestar Guidance!

Steve Wingfield
President & CEO