We are hiring!!!

We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

Wisdom is a Lodestar Guidance principle that is essential in times like these.  Each day, we are bombarded with news that stirs emotions and causes anxiety.  It’s hard to discern what is truth and what is not.  It’s also difficult to know how to respond.  In the Lodestar Guidance curriculum, wisdom is defined as, “accurately applying knowledge and clear judgment to life situations.”  Wisdom helps us make right choices, even when the path forward seems unclear.  Often, we don’t know the next step until we take the first step, and wisdom, based on teaching found in Scripture, provides the confidence to take that first step.

The number “48” is one you see in much of the promotional material related to Lodestar Guidance.  This character-based, leadership program focuses on 48 principles, such as forgiveness, self-control, integrity, and wisdom, just to name a few.  Each of these are presented in a six-page, full color teaching bulletin that defines each principle, illustrates what is required, and lists potential roadblocks.  Additionally, leadership aspects of each concept are unpacked and ways to integrate each principle with one’s faith are clearly taught and demonstrated.

With the Lodestar Guidance subscription program, you can take your organization through 12 principles each year and complete the entire program in four years.  Additionally, we have a devotional subscription for families and small groups that completes the entire Lodestar Guidance curriculum in one year.

I’m sure you will agree with me that one of the greatest challenges we face is a lack of teaching on positive and biblically-based character traits.  It’s reminiscent of the days of the judges recorded in Scripture when “everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”  This type of behavior results in the moral decline we’ve witnessed in our communities. This decline, left unchecked, will progress rapidly unless we raise up a standard against it, such as the values taught in the Lodestar Guidance program. 

A recent subscriber purchased a plan to help him train young men who he employs on his farm.  He has a heart to mentor them because many have grown up without positive role models.  When he read about the curriculum in the Plain Community Business Exchange, he decided to give it a try.  This is just one way that we can turn the challenges before us into positive outcomes.    

If you are not a subscriber and want to find out more, email us at 48@lodestarguidance.com, or call our office at (540) 236-5982.

Lodestar Guidance is now available in a plan designed for family devotions and other groups that meet weekly.  You will receive one of each of the 48 principles and access to the video content for each principle for a cost of $250 per year or $70 per quarter.  Please contact us to find out more.

Thank you for being a part of the Lodestar Guidance team and partnering with us in cultural transformation through character development.


Steve Wingfield