

People without discretion are careless and are negligent in communication and behavior.  They can be rash and sometimes harsh, and they generally handle information inappropriately. Enemies of discretion: Lack of accountability:  When we do not have anyone...


Discretion: Choosing words and actions in a way that avoids offending others or revealing confidential information Monitoring words and actions + considering the effects of your choices = discretion People with discretion are careful and cautious, exercising tact and...


Dishonest people appear deceitful, unreliable, and untrustworthy.  They may be insincere and manipulative, and they likely prioritize personal success over truth and character. Enemies of honesty: Fear:  Fearing the criticism, rejection, or embarrassment...


Honesty:  Being upright, truthful, and open in communication Being truthful with others + living an authentic life = honesty Honesty requires: Self-appraisal:  Telling yourself the truth.Self-control:  Avoiding conversations that will tempt us to be...
Initiative II

Initiative II

If you lack initiative, you may be unresponsive, passive, and slow to act, and you may appear indifferent and lazy. Enemies of initiative: Fear: Thoughts such as, “I am afraid of doing something without detailed instructions,” or, “What if I mess up?”  If you are...