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We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

Kindness I

Kindness I

Kindness:  Demonstrating gentleness and warmth toward others Genuine care and compassion for people + a gentle approach to interacting with others = kindness People known for kindness are compassionate, tender, tolerant, understanding, and gentle.  They are...
Humility II

Humility II

People without humility appear proud, conceited, and self-important.  Their egos make them difficult to approach, and they are pretentious and boastful.  On the other hand, people who are humble tend to know their limits, have better self-control, and are typically...
Humility I

Humility I

Humility: Having an accurate view of yourself Being unassuming and modest + welcoming the help of others = humility People with humility are characterized by modesty and meekness.  The are unassuming and willing to yield appropriately, yet they respectfully stand...
Resourcefulness II

Resourcefulness II

People who lack resourcefulness cannot think outside the box and lack creativity.  They are easily discouraged by unexpected situations, and when resources are scarce, their enthusiasm fades. Enemies of resourcefulness: Immediate Gratification – Patience is necessary...
Resourcefulness I

Resourcefulness I

Resourcefulness: Ingenuity and skill in dealing with new, unexpected situations Using creativity and innovation to solve problems + seeing the opportunities in unexpected situations = resourcefulness Resourceful people are positive and enthusiastic because limitations...