by Nicole Wright | Mar 1, 2023 | Accountable, blog, Character
Accountability: Being willingly answerable and responsible for your behavior Taking responsibility for your decisions + inviting others to provide feedback on your behavior = accountability People with personal accountability will be responsible and willing for...
by Nicole Wright | Feb 15, 2023 | blog
When we allow faintheartedness, fear, and weakness to paralyze us, we are left with uncertainty, regret, and unrealized potential. Courage is necessary for action! Without courage, leadership is impossible, thus, being courageous puts one in the place to lead...
by Nicole Wright | Feb 1, 2023 | blog, Courage
Courage: Feeling the fear but doing the right thing anyway, no matter the cost or difficulty Showing bravery in the face of fear and obstacles + the willingness to go first and lead others with initiative = courage If we are courageous, we take action in brave,...
by Nicole Wright | Jan 15, 2023 | blog, Character, Flexibility
People who lack flexibility are rigid, obstinate, and stubborn. They resist change and are unaccommodating in shifting environments. An inflexible work environment destroys trust and commitment and drives away talent and prohibits innovation. Enemies of...
by Nicole Wright | Dec 15, 2022 | blog
People lacking wisdom may be considered foolish or arrogant. They do not learn from their mistakes, and they lack understanding and insight. Enemies of Wisdom: Laziness – When personal comfort is a high priority and little effort is put into making decisions, wisdom...
by Nicole Wright | Dec 1, 2022 | blog
Wisdom: Accurately applying knowledge and clear judgement to life situations Wise people are known for intelligence and sound judgement. They are rational and reasonable, and their advice is seen as smart and sensible. Wise people are enlightened and...
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