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Compassion II

Compassion II

Research shows that people who view the world with compassion are generally happier.  People who practice compassion produce 23 percent less cortisol, the “stress hormone,” and 100 percent more DHEA, the hormone that counteracts the aging process.  Compassionate...


Compassion: Investing in the healing of others with the willingness to bear their pain. Awareness of others’ situations and struggles + using your time and resources to help those in need = compassion Being compassionate requires moving your focus away from yourself...


Billy Graham: How to be thankful in all things Are you thankful no matter what? Perhaps you have lost your job, recently, as the economy has continued to struggle. Or, you may have lost your health or a loved one. Such circumstances can be tremendously difficult. But...


Gratefulness affects our lives from the inside out.  It shifts our focus from the things we lack to the abundance of things we have been blessed to receive.  Psychologists document many benefits of gratefulness, including better relationships, more resilience, less...
Joyfulness II

Joyfulness II

When we are joyful, we are more likely to experience a fulfilling and productive life.  Joyfulness is an attractive quality, and people will be drawn to our positivity and cheer.  Joyfulness increases our likability, making it easier for us to develop and...


Can you recall a time when you were not in leadership and, instead, were the one being led or mentored?  Furthermore, have you ever experienced a leader who constantly complained and was always negative?  A leader who is always unhappy brings down the morale of those...
Past Failure

Past Failure

Do not allow your past failures to hold you back from realizing your fullest potential.  For many, when tough times come, they do not know how to overcome them, so they simply just give up.  This is a very damaging mindset to have.  Unfortunately, a lot...


Take full responsibility for what happens in your life!  This is the highest form of maturity in an individual.  Anyone can dwell upon the negative and buy into the narrative that the world must be conspiring against you.  Instead, take total...


When you hear the word “stewardship,” do you immediately think of financial responsibility?  This is a major part of leading a life of good stewardship, but there is much more to this concept.  Stewardship encompasses all areas of life.  When we...


When you think of determination, perseverance, or grit, does a mental picture instantly come to mind?  For me, my thoughts go directly to the Battle of Iwo Jima and the iconic photograph of the five American Marines and a Navy corpsman raising our flag...