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Integrity II

Integrity II

Integrity: Do you have it, and do those you depend on see you as a person of integrity? Leadership is only made possible by the influence we have with our people.  Integrity is a requirement for anyone to have influence.  Integrity is a subtle principle that may not...
Integrity I

Integrity I

Integrity:  Uncompromising, consistent commitment to what is right Integrity will exponentially improve relationships whether personal or professional.  I will have peace with myself because I do not hide anything.  This reduces stress and allows me to interact with...
Teachable II

Teachable II

People who are unteachable are characterized by resistance to new information and to being corrected.  They are opinionated, reject feedback, and assume they are always right.  Have you ever worked or tried to complete a project with a person fitting this...
Teachable I

Teachable I

“Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.”  – John Maxwell Being teachable is a very important trait to possess.  Whether you are a school-aged child or a retiree who has lived a long life, our brains have the unique ability to continue to process...
Transparency II

Transparency II

Transparent people are open, honest, and forthright.  They have nothing to hide and are willing to share appropriately.  However, people who are not transparent are secretive and attempt to hide their thoughts and feelings.  They hold back the truth about themselves...
Transparency I

Transparency I

Transparency:  Using open communication to be easily known and understood Understanding true thoughts, feelings, and desires + communicating openly and honestly = transparency Transparency requires: Vulnerability: To be vulnerable is to reveal your thoughts and...
Honesty II

Honesty II

Honesty requires: Self-Appraisal – telling yourself the truth.  Many temptations to be dishonest stem from something we do not like about ourselves or our situation. Self-Control – We do not need to be in every conversation.  We can choose to avoid...
Honesty I

Honesty I

Being truthful with others + living an authentic life = honesty Honesty fosters a healthy physical, emotional, and spiritual life, and it is a significant factor affecting the success we experience in our careers and in our relationships.  Being honest allows us...
Boldness II

Boldness II

Boldness requires VALUE.  Do you value living and influencing over simply existing?  If you do not value contribution over convenience and comfort, you will never acquire boldness.  A bold leader will ask the basic question, “If not me, then who?” Boldness requires...


Boldness: Confidence and courage to do what is right regardless of the circumstances or others’ opinions. Courage and determination to do the right thing + confidence to take risks and be proactive = boldness In a culture that emphasizes political correctness, “nice...