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We are expanding our ministry team to better serve the Lord.

An Antidote for Fear

An Antidote for Fear

“In any given moment, we have two options: to step forward into growth, or to step back into safety.” -Abraham Maslow During a Lodestar Character Connection group on Initiative, I was surprised to hear how many people in the group said that they were...
Investing in Your Team

Investing in Your Team

The Lodestar Character Connection groups are designed to provide a template for a culture that fosters compassion, empathy, and good, solid character. Taking time to speak into the lives of the people on your team shows that you value them. Teaching the 48 Lodestar...
Focus for a Fulfilling Life

Focus for a Fulfilling Life

Focus is an essential tool in life. The things we focus on influence how we grow and develop. Concentrating on many things causes busyness, over commitment, and chasing after things that do not help us reach our goals. We do this because we do not want to let others...
Empathy Opens Doors for Communication

Empathy Opens Doors for Communication

Communicating effectively with your team or your family requires developing relationships and personal connections. Communication is a two-way street, and when someone feels heard and understood, they are more likely to be authentic in their communication. Empathy is...
Leading Your Family

Leading Your Family

Our leadership as parents influences our children’s success in life. If we think of children’s lives as a football field, the strength of our leadership determines the position our children have on the field when it is time for them to make their own way. A family...
Diversity Creates Vibrancy

Diversity Creates Vibrancy

When leading a team, you will discover that each person has their own personality and skill set. Managing a group of unique people is both a challenge and an opportunity. The number one challenge is to truly know your people, and when you understand their strengths,...
Motivated by the Bigger Picture

Motivated by the Bigger Picture

Motivated people are usually passionate people. Motivation is easy if we are driven to achieve our goals. But can we be motivated to do things if we are not passionate about them? Yes, if we look at the bigger picture. We all know that not everything in life is...
Good Stewards

Good Stewards

Stewardship is usually thought of in terms of finances. Money is certainly a major factor; however, I believe that using our gifts and talents to the fullest is the ultimate demonstration of good stewardship. We can use our gifts to help others intellectually,...